What does GapShup offer you?

Reliable and simple messaging

With Gapshup, you get simple, secure, fast messaging and sharing of media like photos, videos with your people.
Private & exclusive groups for closed ones

Allows to create private groups with admin controls, invitation-based exclusive groups and have seemless conversations.
Encrypted data and 100% secure

With encryption, your messages and posts are secured, nobody in between can access them, not even Team Gapshup.

Capture the moments that mean the most.

A place to meet friends
Making new friends isn't a bad option. Inviting friends you know, also works.
Just Chit Chat!
Simple. Secure. A chat app, just for you!
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Post a Photo or Video
Get social. Post unlimited text, photos,videos and links.
Secured notes for important data
Drop your important data in the vault and it will be there forever.
Share media content and messages
Share uncompressed files and messages from chats and groups.
Create unlimited private groups
Do not like being social? Create/Join unlimited number of private groups.
Exclusive groups for privacy
Create exclusive groups for you and the buddies, away from people's notice.

Download Our App

Download For Android
Download Gapshup from Google Play Store to enjoy seemless conversations for free. The application supports Android 8.0 and up.
Play Store

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Download For iOS
Download Gapshup from App Store to enjoy seemless conversations for free. The application supports iOS 12.0 and up.
App Store

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Some most frequently asked questions.

How does this app provide security?

The messaging methods involve end-to-end encryption between the sender and the receiver.

Why do we need three different type of groups?

The groups serve different purposes for different type of users. Hence it is easy for user access.

How can a user join a specific group?

For a public group, the user can join at will. In case of private group, the user can request the admin for approval. Exclusive groups are secure groups where the admin has the access to invite the user.

How do I add people to my groups?

You can invite/add any user to your group, if you are the admin of that respective group.

How data is stored in notes vault?

GapShup supports storing of data in text form, protected by a passcode.

Does it provide backup for messages?

The app lets you share last 10 messages of a group/individual chat to your email. Also, the media from the contacts/groups can be shared via email registered for backup purposes.

Our Team


Anubhav Chaubey

Application Developer

Pragya Mukherjee

Web Developer

Pramod S Kumar


Anusha Pramod
